Personal safety alarms for Seniors

How Clients with HCP or CHSP in Australia Can Get Personal Alarms

In Australia, ensuring the safety of elderly individuals receiving home care is paramount. For clients with Home Care Packages (HCP) or Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) funding, obtaining funded personal alarms is not only possible but also crucial for their well-being and peace of mind. Learn how clients can access these lifesaving devices through Bannister In Home Care, a leading provider in New South Wales.

Understanding the need for personal alarms

Personal alarms, also known as livelife alarms, falls alarms, or care alert pendants, are essential devices that allow elderly individuals to call for help in case of an emergency or if they have fallen and are unable to get up. These alarms typically come in the form of pendants, watches, or wristbands, ensuring that help is always within reach. For elderly Australians living independently or with minimal assistance, personal alarms provide an extra layer of security and enable them to maintain their independence with confidence.

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Accessing personal alarms through government funding

Many clients receiving government-funded home care packages or CHSP in Australia may be eligible to receive free personal alarms as part of their care plan. These alarms are funded by the government to support the safety and well-being of elderly individuals living at home. Bannister In Home Care understands the importance of these devices and works to ensure that eligible clients can access them easily.

How Bannister can help

As a provider of home care packages in New South Wales, Bannister In Home Care offers assistance to our clients in obtaining free personal alarms through their government-funded care packages. Here's how the process works


Bannister's experienced care coordinators assess the needs of each client comprehensively. This assessment includes evaluating the client's mobility, medical history, and any specific risks they may face, such as falls or medical emergencies.

Care Planning:

Based on the assessment, a personalised care plan is developed for the client. If a personal alarm is deemed necessary for the client's safety and well-being, it will be included in the care plan.

Funding arrangement:

Bannister In Home Care works closely with government agencies to ensure that the cost of the personal alarm is covered by the client's HCP or CHSP funding. This means that eligible clients can receive their personal alarms at no additional cost.

Installation and Support:

Once the personal alarm is acquired, Bannister's team assists with its installation and provides comprehensive training to the client on how to use it effectively. Ongoing support is also available to address any issues or concerns that may arise.

Types of personal alarms available

Bannister In Home Care offers a range of personal alarm options to suit the needs and preferences of each client:

  • Livelife personal alarms

    These compact and easy-to-use alarms can be worn as pendants or wristbands, ensuring that help is always within reach.

  • Falls alarms

    Specifically designed to detect falls, these alarms automatically trigger an alert if a fall is detected, even if the wearer is unable to press the alarm button.

  • Care alert pendant

    With a simple push-button design, care alert pendants allow users to call for help quickly and discreetly in case of an emergency.

  • Personal alarm watch

    For clients who prefer a wearable device, personal alarm watches offer the functionality of a traditional watch combined with emergency alert capabilities.

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Clients with Home Care Packages or CHSP funding in Australia can access free personal alarms through providers like Bannister In Home Care. If you have another care provider, speak to them to see how they can arrange it for you. These alarms provide peace of mind to elderly individuals and their families, knowing that help is always available at the press of a button. By prioritising safety and well-being, Bannister ensures that its clients can live independently and confidently in their own homes, supported by the latest in assistive technology. Contact Bannister In Home Care today to learn more about accessing personal alarms for your loved ones.

Learn more about falls prevention.