Is your home a hazard?

One in three people 65 years and over living in the community will have at least one fall during the next 12 months. More than half of these falls happen in and around the home. A safe home and surroundings can help you to maintain an independent lifestyle and reduce your risk of falling.

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Check your surroundings and take steps to make them safer

  • Floors: Secure rugs (or remove them). Have non-slip floors. Remove clutter.

  • Cords and cables: Remove cords and cables from walkways.

  • Lighting: Ensure adequate lighting in all rooms, steps and stairs. Use night lights inside and sensor lights outside.

  • Stairs and Steps: Mark edges of steps clearly, use slip-resistant strips. Install handrails the full length of the stairs/steps.

  • Bathroom: Install grab rails, use a non-slip mat, be careful on wet floors.

  • Kitchen: Mop up spills straight away. Don’t climb on chairs to reach high cupboards.

  • Garden areas: Make sure that paths are even and free of moss. Keep paths free of garden tools.

For further help:

Home safety checklist - on home hazards and suggestions to manage them, is available in the Staying Active and on Your Feet booklet.
Ask your health professional for a copy, or see www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au.
Ask an occupational therapist for suggestions on how to adapt your home environment.

Acknowledgement to: iSOLVE fall prevention partnership project
(The University of Sydney, Northern Sydney Medicare Local, Clinical Excellence Commission) Staying Active and on Your Feet booklet 2010 www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au Northern Sydney and Central Coast Local Heath Districts Health Promotion Unit
For further information Email: falls@cec.health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.cec.health.nsw.gov.au

Clinical Excellence Commission©2015 Version 1 SHPN: (CEC) 120255