All you need to know.

What are Self Managed Home Care Packages?

Self managed home care packages empower individuals to have greater control over their care services. With self-management, recipients can choose and manage their own support services, including hiring and coordinating caregivers, purchasing assistive equipment, and arranging other necessary services tailored to their needs. You choose to have more control over your home care services when you opt into self-management

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Key benefits of self managed home care packages include:

  • Flexibility:

    Recipients have the flexibility to choose their preferred caregivers and customise the care schedule according to their preferences and lifestyle.

  • Direct Control:

    Individuals have direct control over how their allocated home care funds are spent, ensuring that services align with their specific needs and preferences.

  • Empowerment:

    Self-management promotes independence and empowers recipients to actively participate in decision-making regarding their care and support services.

  • Tailored Services:

    Recipients can tailor services to their unique requirements, ensuring that they receive the most suitable assistance to maintain their independence and quality of life.

  • Less Management Fees:

    Self-Managing you home care package comes with less provider fees, therefore you can receive more hours of support

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To self-manage a home care package, individuals typically receive support and guidance from one of our dedicated care co-ordinators to navigate administrative tasks, financial management, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

In most cases, nobody knows what is better for you than you! Making your own choices about which support worker comes into your home and when those care services are delivered is the best part about self-managing your home care package or HCP. There are a number of great places to source your own qualified support worker.
One that we recommend is Hire Up.

All recipients of a Home Care Package will have the option to Self Manage their care.

Empower your choices in Home Care Services. Self-management ensures your needs take the spotlight, enabling you to prioritise essential assistance for independent living at home and within your community.

Feeling comfortable is essential when you are inviting people into your home. With Self management you are making the decisions. Maybe you would like a Support Worker or Cleaner who speaks your first language or has similar interests?
This is where self managing your home care package benefits you, as you choose the people who work for you.

Maximise support hours by self-managing your Home Care Package. Skip traditional provider fees and overheads, stretching your funding to potentially secure additional hours of valuable support.

Want to switch to Self Managed Home Care from Plan Managed?

To transition to self-management, begin by inquiring with your current provider about the option to manage your HCP independently and engage services externally.
Your Care Co-Ordinator can talk you through the pros and cons so you know if it is the best way forward for you.

Experience the revolution in Homecare with the My Care Now portal! Gain real-time insights into your home care package expenditure, empowering you with unparalleled control over your self-managed care journey.

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Effortlessly track your purchases, access your hcp balance on-the-go, and delve into personalised information crucial to your home care package — all at your fingertips. Signing up to self-management unlocks a guided tour of the portal led by Bannister In Home Care experts, ensuring you're adept at navigating this powerful tool.

Expect our team to reach out, guiding you through the user-friendly My Care Now dashboard layout, facilitating seamless submission of purchases, and empowering you to monitor your Home Care Package spending with ease.

This isn't just about managing care; it's about simplifying your experience, freeing up time for what truly matters—indulging in activities that bring you joy. Take charge, explore, and relish the newfound autonomy with My Care Now!

Does Self-Managing your Home Care Package sound like the right choice for you?

Contact Bannister In Home Care to start enjoying the benefits of Self-Managed Home Care.