Bannister In Home Care

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Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission - Audit

Just an update regarding our recent audit with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Bannister In Home Care recently underwent a quality audit conducted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission from April 30 to May 1, 2024. The audit assessed the service's compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards. The audit revealed that Bannister In Home Care met all relevant Quality Standards, showcasing its commitment to providing high-quality care to its clients.

There are 8 Quality Standards for Aged Care which providers must follow strictly.

The original report is 56 pages, but we won’t subject you to reading that. Here is a summary highlighting what the audit entailed.


Consumer Dignity and Choice (Standard 1)

  • Consumers are treated with dignity and respect, with their identities and cultural diversities valued.

  • The service supports consumer independence and ensures they are well-informed to make choices about their care.

  • Privacy is respected, and personal information is kept confidential.

Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers (Standard 2)

  • Care plans are developed in partnership with consumers, reflecting their likes, dislikes, and cultural values.

  • Regular reviews and reassessments are conducted to ensure care plans remain effective and responsive to changing needs.

Personal Care and Clinical Care (Standard 3)

  • Safe and effective personal and clinical care is provided, tailored to individual needs and best practices.

  • High-impact or high-prevalence risks are effectively managed to ensure consumer well-being.

  • Care plans document and communicate current consumer information within the organisation and with others involved in care.

Services and Supports for Daily Living (Standard 4)

  • Consumers receive support for daily living activities that enhance their quality of life and independence.

  • Services are culturally appropriate and promote social engagement and meaningful activities.

Organisation’s service environment (Standard 5)

  • Not applicable to Bannister In Home Care. This is for residential only

Feedback and Complaints (Standard 6)

  • Consumers and representatives are aware of how to provide feedback or make complaints and feel safe to do so.

  • Complaints are handled promptly and effectively, ensuring continuous improvement in care quality.

Human Resources (Standard 7)

  • Staff are competent, trained, and capable of delivering high-quality care.

  • Recruitment and training processes ensure that staff are well-equipped to meet consumer needs.

Organisation Governance (Standard 8)

  • The organisation demonstrates accountable governance for safe and quality care.

  • Continuous improvement systems are in place to ensure ongoing compliance with quality standards.

Consumer Feedback

  • Consumers and their representatives expressed high satisfaction with the care provided. They appreciated the respect for their dignity, the involvement in care planning, and the competence and kindness of the staff.

  • Specific feedback highlighted the positive impact of personal and clinical care on their overall well-being.


The audit did not identify any non-compliance issues, and all assessed standards were met. The service is encouraged to continue its excellent practices and maintain its high standards of care.


Standard 1: Consumer Dignity and Choice

Consumers at Bannister In Home Care are treated with utmost respect, and their choices are valued. The service promotes an inclusive culture, respects privacy, and supports independence. Consumers are provided with current, accurate information in an understandable format, enabling them to make informed choices.

Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers

Care plans at Bannister In Home Care are developed collaboratively with consumers, ensuring their preferences and cultural values are respected. Regular reviews and reassessments are conducted to address any changes in consumers’ conditions or needs promptly.

Standard 3: Personal Care and Clinical Care

The service provides personal and clinical care that is safe, effective, and tailored to individual needs. Best practices are followed, and high-risk conditions are managed effectively. Care plans are detailed and regularly updated to reflect current consumer information, ensuring optimal health and well-being.

Standard 4: Services and Supports for Daily Living

Support for daily living activities is designed to enhance consumers’ quality of life. Services are culturally appropriate, and consumers are encouraged to engage in meaningful activities that promote social interaction and independence.

Standard 6: Feedback and Complaints

Bannister In Home Care has robust mechanisms for receiving and addressing feedback and complaints. Consumers feel confident and safe in providing feedback, which is used to improve service quality continuously.

Standard 7: Human Resources

The organisation employs competent and well-trained staff who are capable of delivering high-quality care. Ongoing training and development ensure that staff remain skilled and knowledgeable in best care practices.

Standard 8: Organisational Governance

Bannister In Home Care demonstrates strong governance and accountability in providing safe and quality care. Systems for continuous improvement are in place, ensuring compliance with all quality standards and promoting ongoing enhancement of care services.


Bannister In Home Care has successfully met all assessed Quality Standards, demonstrating a strong commitment to delivering high-quality, safe, and respectful care to its clients. The audit findings reflect the organization’s dedication to continuous improvement and excellence in aged care services.

By maintaining these high standards, Bannister In Home Care ensures that consumers receive the best possible care, enhancing their quality of life and well-being.

Thank you to all of our clients, support workers, allied health providers, registered nurses, cleaners and gardeners who generously gave their free time to the commission to support our great result. We are very grateful.

Read more about Aged Care Quality Standards